Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Lorax

My favorite pair of pants I wear are Josh's camo pants.  I wore them with a black tanktop and hoody to Oscar Night with a tie tied around my head so I looked like Rambo.  I was Oscar Rambo.  No one noticed.  Good or bad?

I can't wait to get home to Josh today.  We are going to have fun!  Doing what, I don't know, but it will be fun!  I'm thinking we could clean the bedroom/do laundry and pay bills.  Sounds like a big job though. I still haven't unpacked from Denver and I have no clean work pants.  I've been forced to be creative all week in my work clothes.  Luckly spring is here and it's easier to transition to summer dresses even though it's earlier than I would like.

We saw the Lorax yesterday.  It was really nice to see in 3d, the colors and imagery was really pretty, but I felt like the story was trying too hard.  You know what the problem is?  Well, the underlying (and not underlying very deep, mostly it was draped over the movie) message was that cutting down trees and living in a plastic suburb is bad.  It was all "save the environment", and that is a message I support, but it is also something I deal with everyday in my job.  Movies are for escaping from your life and living two hours in someone else's life, but it's not escaping if it's the same as my life is already.  I will not type out all of my hilarious jokes on comparing my coworkers to the character in The Lorax.  Also, the sorta main character is a hipster. He even knits.  The best parts were the trees and the I'm Not Bad song.

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