Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Don't Know Everything, It's Just That I Only Say Things I Know

This past weekend, my parents came to visit and watch me walk in Vanderbilt's graduation.  It was really hot and sticky in the morning and humid.  I was dripping sweat under my gown.  The only thing I remember from the speaker, who disappointingly was just the Chancellor, was to keep up my reputation and to not make it bad.  Afterward, we were eating strawberries and drinking champagne, and talking to my very drunk friend John.  The champagne ran out right away, so I didn't get to drink hardly any... and then this woman came and told us that a severe thunderstorm was coming and that we needed to go into a building...any building.  My mom took off almost running.  My dad stayed behind eating as many strawberries as he could.  I then had to keep my mom from running away, gather my dad, Josh, and a drunk guy, and get them all to understand that the building we wanted to go to was the geology dept. building...not the closest one.  I sure am bossy...maybe I should have let everyone just do what they wanted. He he he.  Once we got it together, it was very hard to convince my mom that we weren't going to immediately die and that we could indeed walk all the way there.  It wasn't even raining yet or thundering.  I don't know what got into her either...she's not afraid of thunderstorms or anything.

At the department, there was a reception for all the graduating undergrads, which I didn't know about, but then learned I had to stay for.  Everyone met my mom and dad.

Finally, we walked 20 min. in the thunderstorming downpour to get to the car so we could leave.  Yeah.

The next day we drove to Malone Lake State Park in Kentucky and went on a walk.  We were suppose to go on a boat to tour a cave but it was flooded.  So we hiked in the woods...something I very much didn't want to do.  It was very humid too.

We were walking down this 5 ft wide path of mowed grass with walls of poison ivy on each side, when we saw a SNAKE!  My mom said it was at least 5.5 ft but maybe 6 ft long.  She suggested laying down next to it to measure.  As we were walking past I noticed a 2 inch spider jump onto the back of the snake, take the reins, and rode it into the woods...probably to battle other spider - snake teams or maybe a badger.  I told my mom it was a good thing she didn't lie down next to the snake because there was a GIANT spider there!!  We are both very afraid of spiders, but not of snakes.

We also got a ton of ticks on us, just like what I said would happen.  BUT I learned I'm not as afraid of ticks as I thought I was.  So long as Josh is there to remove them of course.

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